
Summary The sanctions were applied to the controller because he could not prove that the data subjects were informed about the processing of personal data / images through the video surveillance system, which they have been operating since 2016. And because he made the disclosure of the CNP of the employees, by displaying the Report for the training of the authorized ISCIR personnel for the year 2018 to the company notifier and could not prove the legality of the processing of the CNP, by disclosure, according to Art. 6 GDPR.
Link: link
Related articles:  Art. 12 GDPR, Art. 13 GDPR, Art. 5 (1) c) GDPR, Art. 6 GDPR
Type: Insufficient fulfilment of information obligations
Fine: EUR 2,500
Sector Employment


All data is based on The CMS’s Law GDPR Enforcement Tracker Source:

Tags: case law